Sunday, March 6, 2011

Doing Virtuous Business The Remarkable Success of Spiritual Enterprise By Theodore Malloch

I just got this book and have managed to read it in one sitting. Doing Virtuous Business The Remarkable Success of Spiritual Enterprise is an interesting read, and details them in the success or failure of a business through ethical practices. The author Theodore Malloch explores the ethic practices of different businesses through religion and moral was hard to follow on some places but from what I got out of it to operate or own a successful business you need a certain ethical practice that isn’t just about money but the amount of spirit and belief you put into it. He does a comparison from a family owned to big corporate that just don’t care about what the customer thinks but how much they can exploit from them. A conglomerate is the route of more evil then a small owned business as the smaller owned will take more care in what the consumer wants rather than what they can exploit. The bigger a company gets and branches off, the more they have to put in but give very little back out. I don’t know if I can exactly recommend this book as I did have trouble following it like I said but it is very helpful if you have your own business or are starting one up as he goes through many diverse questions and answers them with accurate satisfaction.

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