Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The little red book of wisdom By Mark DeMoss

The little red book of wisdom By Mark DeMoss is a book that comes in handy when you don’t always have that person who will listen. The book follows closely about learning from the past through history the mistakes each story and person in there does and what can be sought from learning exactly how to avoid situations such as that and learning from the past. It also helps to excel in the work place-especially how the author explains his stories and others through listening, and giving advice that helps guide a path. It also focuses on life, and thinking positively-which is a hard thing to get centered but this book can tell you how to do that. It also comes into handy if you own your own business and are just starting out. I think this book would be perfect for someone who’s either struggling with work, or struggling with life-we’ve all been there. I say give The little red book of wisdom q chance and you won’t regret it. I was never centered, and it was always hard to keep positive in such a negative world but the book helps change views, maybe it can help you. I would definitely recommend it!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Time With God For Mothers By Jack Countryman

Time With God For Mothers By Jack Countryman is a great book that encourages mothers to spend time learning about God and following his will. It covers things like how important worship is to have in ones life, as well as to forgive yourself for mistakes. It also shows how to follow God and gives a real insight into. Mothers tend to get stray into situations; this book helps to avoid them. The book also gives advice to ward off what trouble may arise-with some interesting passages and advice. It also explains in one chapter that we allow our own selfish needs to come before God and also gives sound advice to help put God before ourselves. The author also talks about seeking to understand God and at times times struggling to obey his will, but with faith it becomes easier and he does a great job touching on that subject. It also talks about faith, knowing he is there even when you think he isn’t and trusting him to lead mothers in the right direction. This book covers on over ninety topic and is a great read for women. I recommend this book to mother or even just women in general as it does cover a lot of topics women seem to have trouble with the most.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Doing Virtuous Business The Remarkable Success of Spiritual Enterprise By Theodore Malloch

I just got this book and have managed to read it in one sitting. Doing Virtuous Business The Remarkable Success of Spiritual Enterprise is an interesting read, and details them in the success or failure of a business through ethical practices. The author Theodore Malloch explores the ethic practices of different businesses through religion and moral value...it was hard to follow on some places but from what I got out of it to operate or own a successful business you need a certain ethical practice that isn’t just about money but the amount of spirit and belief you put into it. He does a comparison from a family owned to big corporate that just don’t care about what the customer thinks but how much they can exploit from them. A conglomerate is the route of more evil then a small owned business as the smaller owned will take more care in what the consumer wants rather than what they can exploit. The bigger a company gets and branches off, the more they have to put in but give very little back out. I don’t know if I can exactly recommend this book as I did have trouble following it like I said but it is very helpful if you have your own business or are starting one up as he goes through many diverse questions and answers them with accurate satisfaction.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Across The Universe (movie)

This movie is amazing-whoever has not seen it NEEDS to see this movie. It IS a musical-but it's just so...I mean wow-that's all I can say.